Attorney at Law

545 East 14th Street                                                                                 Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201

New York, NY  10009                                                                             Mobile 917 687 0652




                                                                                                                              December 24, 2003



J. Michael McMahon, Clerk

United States District Court for the Southern

              District of New York

Daniel Patrick Moynihan U.S. Courthouse

500 Pearl Street

New York, N.Y. 10007-1312




Roy Den Hollander v. Flash Dancers Topless Club, et al.

Southern District Court of New York, CV-03-2717 (MBM)



Dear Mr. Mahon:


              In accordance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 55(a), the plaintiff requests certificates of default of defendants Anastasia A. Vasilyeva, Nicolay N. Vasilyev, listed in the complaint as Dima-Husband Anastasia Vasilyeva, and Cybertech Internet Solutions, Inc., listed in the complaint as Cybertech Internet Strip Club Network, for failure to plead or otherwise defend in a timely manner.


              Enclosed please find the Application for Certificates of Default and Declaration with exhibits in support of the application.


              Thank you for your time.






                                                                                                                              Roy Den Hollander



CC:        Hon. Michael B. Mukasey, Chief Judge

              US District Court

              500 Pearl St., Rm 2240

              New York, NY 10007-1312


UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT                                             



Roy Den Hollander


                                    Plaintiff,                                    Docket No. 03 CV 2717 (MBM)


-against-                                                           Plaintiff’s Application to Clerk  for Certificates of Default Against Defendants Vasilyevas and


Flash Dancers Topless Club, et al.,





To the Clerk of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York:


            The plaintiff, Roy Den Hollander, requests from the Clerk certificates of default of defendants Anastasia A. Vasilyeva, Nicolay N. Vasilyev, listed in the complaint (Exhibit H) as Dima-Husband Anastasia Vasilyeva, (collectively “Vasilyevas”) and Cybertech Internet Solutions, Inc., listed in the complaint as Cybertech Internet Strip Club Network (“Cybertech”) for failure to plead or otherwise defend in a timely manner as provided by Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 55(a).

            This request is based on the attached declaration of Roy Den Hollander, attorney and pro se plaintiff, which shows the following:

1.      On June 14, 2003 defendant Anastasia Vasilyeva and on June 16, 2003 defendant Nicolay N. Vasilyev were served with the summons, complaint, notice of right to magistrate and consent form for magistrate pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(c), as evidenced by the proof of service on file with this court (a copy of which is attached to the Declaration as Exhibit A).

2.      Defendants Vasilyevas have not served or filed an answer or motion or otherwise defended although they subsequently sent a letter in Russian, Exhibit B of the Declaration, to the Court and the plaintiff within twenty-days after service on them of the complaint, Exhibit H.

3.      Defendant Cybertech was served with the summons, complaint, notice of right to magistrate and consent form for magistrate pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(c) on June 16, 2003, as evidenced by the proof of service on file with this court (a copy of which is attached to the Declaration as Exhibit C).

4.      Defendant Cybertech has failed to file or serve an answer within twenty days of service of the complaint or defend in a timely manner.

5.      Defendant Cybertech is not an infant, in the military, or an incompetent person.


Dated:  New York, NY

            December 24, 2003

                                                            /S/                                   _____________________

                                                                                                Roy Den Hollander, Esq.

                                                                                                Plaintiff pro se

                                                                                                545 East 14th St.

                                                                                                New York, NY 10009

                                                                                                212 995 5201




A Couple Exhibits of the Default Motion

Some Exhibits of the Reply