

Business World Weekly

                            A Fair Market Is Not a Free-For-All Market, June 9, 1992

                            Doing Business with Americans, September 22, 1992

                            More Nomenklatura Privatization, November 17, 1992

                            A Fairer Form of Privatization, December 8, 1992

                            The Need for a Constitutional Convention, April 23, 1993


Russian Academy of Sciences

                            Problems with Foreign Assistance, May 24-29, 1993


The Law Gazette

                            To Each According To His Ambition, No. 7-8 (120-121), 1994

                            Russians Caught By the Throat, No. 25-26 (138-139), 1994

                            What It Was?, No. 35 (148), 1994

                            Preventing America from Transforming Russia into a Third World Nation, 1994

                            The Danger Posed by the American Military-Industrial Complex, 1994

                            A Ruble Backed by Gold Instead of the IMF, 1994

                            Vile American, 1998

                            Nomenkaltura Looters, 1998

                            Follow the Money, 1998


Papers Presented


                            Key Regulations for a Fair Economy, May 18-24, 1992

                            Successful Privatization, November 16-20, 1992

                            A Strategy to Generate Hard Currency from Russia’s Foreign Debt, December 3, 1993